Ways You Can Work to Improve and Become a Better Manager

Being a manager is a position within a business that should not be taken lightly. In most scenarios, hard work and years of experience has to occur to become a manager for a large company. So, if you are a manager, you definitely deserve some applause. However, as a manager, you have a responsibility to the employees that you manage to ensure you are the best manager that you can possibly be. At GOS, we have seen some extraordinary managers over the years and today we’d like to share several ways you can work to improve and become a better leader within your company.

Open Door Culture

As a manager, you need for the employees that you oversee to trust you. You want these employees to feel comfortable coming to you for any issues that they may be dealing with, regardless of whether it is a work issue or one that they’re dealing with at home. If your employees don’t feel like they can come to you with confidence, then the relationship will not be able to grow. Providing an open door culture around your office is the best way to manage a group of employees. Even managers have a bad day here and there, but it is important that even on your toughest days, the door is open for your employees if they need it.

Listen to Your Colleagues

Listening may seem like a simple concept, but if you sit back and actually think about it, would you consider yourself a good listener? Many managers are fixers, so they do whatever is needed to rectify the situation and then they move on to the next project or issue. This can cause many managers to miss the finer details around their office that may be really important. If your employees are complaining about their work space, lack of office supplies, the cleanliness of your office or breakroom options, you need to listen. This day in age, there are plenty of jobs that your employees can go out and pursue, so it is important that you help create an environment where they are comfortable working. By partnering with our team at GOS, we can help you with all of these services including cleaning supplies, office furniture and supplies, and even breakroom coffee service! It has been found that a comfortable work environment causes employees to be more efficient workers. So, listen up and start focusing on the finer details around your office that mean a lot to your employees.

No matter if you’re a newly appointed manager or you’ve been one for years, it never hurts to get some advice. At GOS, we take pride in seeing the managers that we work with excel. To learn more about the ways you can work to improve and become a better manager, give us a call today at 800-277-0208 or email [email protected].

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