June is National Safety Month: Stock Up On Workplace Safety Essentials

office safety gear

Keep Your Team Safe

We might be light-hearted and jovial around here, but we know workplace safety is no joke. Ensuring the safety of your team and customers is a top priority, and so…

Office Solutions from GOS: Grab Custom Apparel and Products for Your Company’s Summer Event

Cooler with company logo on it at the beach

In the season finale of The Office’s fifth season, Dunder Mifflin Scranton takes on corporate in a volleyball game at their company picnic to punish their bosses for closing the Bu

Recognize National Safety Month by Working Together Toward a Safer Workplace

Office workers putting hands together over a table of safety gear

This June the National Safety Council will recognize National Safety Month, which should encourage us to reassess and improve upon workplace safety. First, some staggering fac…

Fun Promotional Items from GOS

Logoed Company Shirts and Promotional Items from GOS

The summer is here and the sun is shining! What better time of year is there to get your brand message out to your target audience thanks to a range of entertaining promotional items? …

Social Media Summer Internship

Grow your professional portfolio as well as your knowledge and social media management experience this summer at GOS.

Apply Today!

Buy Local for Back to School

As the summer comes to a close, the familiar tune of the ice cream truck will be replaced by the routine hum of alarm clocks and school bells. Before the first bell rings, though, you c…