GOS COVID-19 Procedures

At GOS, we’re committed to the health and safety of our employees, customers and community. In order to reopen safely during the national COVID-19 pandemic, we are adhering to multiple safety precautions set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We are currently under a “no visitor” policy, and disinfecting our office spaces daily. Additional employee and delivery protections have been implemented and are listed below.

We know that these are unusual times, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we return to normal operations.

COVID-19 Guidelines for GOS Employees


Every employee will have his/her temperature checked and logged immediately upon arrival. **

Maintain 6 feet of distance between people at all times.

Masks are mandatory. Masks are available for those employees requesting such. This policy is subject to change.

Only 2 employees are allowed in the restrooms, break room, and conference room at a time.

DO NOT congregate anywhere! No groups and no hangouts.

Please keep your work area clean and sanitized. We are providing cleaning products.

We are spraying and disinfecting the main office touch points in the building daily.

Please stay in your primary work area. Sales and Administrative staff are to stay in the front and Operations staff are to stay in the back. 

Please use email to communicate instead of in-person meetings.

If you must go to someone’s office, please stay in the doorway and do not fully enter.

Lastly, please use common sense and be thoughtful and courteous to your colleagues. We know these are unusual times, and we appreciate your cooperation!

**If you have a temperature of 100.4º or higher, you are to go home. We suggest that you take your temperature from home before departing for work, if possible. If you have or suspect a fever before coming work, DO NOT COME TO WORK. (We are currently under a “no visitor” policy, so the front door will remain locked at this time.)

We have joined the pledge

GOS is offering home delivery.

GOS is currently offering home delivery. Deliveries will be shipped via UPS with free shipping on orders over $25. Due to demand and shipping delays, some deliveries may take an extra 1-2 days to arrive.

If you are interested in establishing home delivery for your GOS account, please contact GOS at
[email protected].

GOS truck delivers office supplies with free delivery

GOS deliveries during COVID 19.

In order to safely deliver GOS products during this pandemic, all GOS delivery drivers are taking extra precautions to reduce contact while making deliveries.

  • Each driver will be wearing disposable gloves and using hand sanitizer after each delivery.
  • Each driver will contact you to determine the safest delivery drop-off location, as we are currently attempting to eliminate desktop delivery where feasible. In most instances, delivery will be made at your main entrance. 
  • Until further notice, we will NOT be asking for customer signatures for proof of delivery. Our drivers will timestamp your delivery to avoid customer interactions or touching shared screens.

This situation is constantly evolving, and we will continue to provide updates on our delivery protocols as they become available. For any additional questions or concerns, please contact us at [email protected].

Again, we thank you for your business, cooperation and patience during these unusual times.