Returning to Work During COVID-19

Employee Guidelines & Protections

We know that returning to work during this COVID-19 outbreak can be both confusing and exciting. While we look forward to seeing everyone and resuming office operations, we plan to proceed with caution to ensure the safety of every team member and our community at-large. Below are new workplace guidelines set to begin on May 14, 2020.


  • Every employee will have his/her temperature checked and logged immediately upon arrival. If you have a temperature of 100.4º or higher, you are to go home, and will be charged a PTO day. We suggest that you take your temperature from home before departing for work, if possible. If you have or suspect a fever before coming work, DO NOT COME TO WORK.
  • Upon arrival, go straight to the main reception desk and whomever is there will take your temperature with an infrared, non-contact thermometer and record it. 
  • Front office administration and salespeople should enter through the side Employee Entrance with your key card. (We are currently under a “no visitor” policy, so the front door will remain locked at this time.) 
  • Operations staff will have their temperatures taken in the warehouse each morning by Jason or Bobby.


  1. Maintain 6 (six) feet of distance between people at all times.
  2. Masks are encouraged, but not mandatory. Masks are available for those employees requesting such. This policy is subject to change.
  3. Only 3 (three) employees are allowed in the restrooms, break room, and conference room at a time.
  4. DO NOT congregate anywhere! No groups and no hangouts.
  5. Please keep your work area clean and sanitized. We are providing cleaning products.
  6. We are spraying and disinfecting the main office touch points in the building daily, but please refrain from 
  7. Please stay in your primary work area. Sales and administrative staff are to say in the front, and Operations staff is to stay in the back. 
  8. Please use email to communicate instead of in-person meetings.
  9. If you must go to someone’s office, please stay in the doorway and do not fully enter.

Lastly, please use common sense and be thoughtful and courteous to your colleagues. We know these are unusual times, and we appreciate your cooperation!