Workplace Etiquette

Everyone has had an experience, or many, with improper workplace etiquette. One of the biggest complaints about a work environment is the noise. It’s common for our coworkers to be inconsiderate of what we’re doing, and even distract us from our work. Another complaint is the mess. Too many people in a small space can lead to you feeling stressed. None of it is very conducive to a positive and productive workplace environment. So, what can you do to make your work place a little more enjoyable?

Clean Up After Yourself

If you’ve ever had to clean up after a roommate or a coworker, you know this is annoying. It would be much better if everyone just cleaned up after themselves. So, keep your workspace tidy. Make sure that your stuff isn’t left in the way of other people. Also, make sure you don’t leave anything lying around when you leave the room.

Break Room/Kitchen Etiquette

One of the biggest complaints of a shared break room is lunches being stolen. It’s a good rule that if you’re not the one who put something in the fridge, don’t take it out. Another complaint is usually food with an overwhelming smell (spices, etc). If you have to eat food that might be considered overwhelming, consider eating elsewhere. Again, make sure you clean up after yourself. Wash your hands, too.

Careful Conversations

Most people like to be conversational, especially at work. It helps pass the time, and is often a welcomed distraction from work. Whether it’s sports or your social life. Conversation is known to make time go more quickly. But, not everyone feels that way. Some people like to concentrate on what they’re doing. So, if you’re having a conversation, pay attention to the people around you. Speak in an inside voice, and take the conversation elsewhere if it’s possible.

Respect & Privacy

It should go without saying that it’s important to respect the people around you. That can be applied inside and outside of the work place. The same can be said about privacy. You should always respect the privacy of others. In the work space, this could mean leaving the break room when you hear a private conversation taking place. It could mean not taking something off the printer that isn’t yours. It also means being respectful. The two are very closely linked together.

Be Considerate

Finally, the most important thing is to be considerate of the people around you. That is taking into account all the points that were made above. It also takes into consideration things like your personal habits. It’s important to adhere to any dress codes, and maintain a good personal hygiene. If for nothing else, for the consideration of other people.

A harmonious workspace is totally within reason, but it has to start somewhere. Sure, you have a limited amount of control over what other people do. But by using proper etiquette, you can also ensure you’re not part of the problem. That’s important too.

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